The Pope Of Louisiana, The Little Bird Who Seems To Have Taken A Bath In A Painter’s Palette

Our cities are full of noises that often overwhelm the lighter and more delicate ones, such as birdsong. But when you close your eyes, you can hear the sweet melody of the birds that lead a life of their own among the trees under which we walk. But birds are also beautiful to see, and not just to hear! In particular, some individuals are worthy of astonishment, like the little pope of Louisiana (Passerina ciris), a veritable rainbow of colors alive! Here is a selection of the most beautiful photos taken of this creature to know its characteristics in addition to its beautiful plumage.

#1. The Louisiana Pope is a bird that lives primarily in Central and North America.

#2. The male is very different from the female: only the former has extremely colorful plumage.

#3. Females, on the other hand, are brownish-green, but at the same time they are much less detectable by predators.

#4. In general, the Louisiana Pope has a bright red belly, green back, and blue head, but in nature there are a thousand different shades.

#5. Despite their bright colors, they are difficult to spot birds. Their character is extremely shy.

#6. He is called the Pope of Louisiana precisely because he is often seen flying in the skies of the state of the same name in the United States. It can also be called passerin nonpareil.

#7. It feeds on seeds and small insects.

#8. This bird seems proud of its vibrant colors.

#9. It is undoubtedly a beautiful creature which reminds us how much nature is colorful!

And you, do you close your eyes from time to time to better identify the song of the birds that inhabit the cities and let yourself be carried away by their melodies? Do it, you will feel like you are flying with them!